I want to hear what you have to say, genuinely.

I am Danyelle Kora (She/Her), and I am a Master of Counselling Internship student with City University of Seattle.

My educational and professional background is vast and varied, which I believe grants me the ability to connect with people from all walks of life while approaching therapy from multiple lenses and with holistic intentions. The majority of my time has been spent working with youth through the Air Cadet Programme, or within the public school system. I graduated from Lakehead University with a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), an Honours Bachelor of Arts (Music), a Bachelor of Education, and a Master of Education, and I am now in the final stages of completing my Master of Counselling. I am passionate about learning, and committed to growth within my profession while also maintaining an evidence-based practice.

It is my goal to create a space for all folks to feel safe embracing their authentic self. At my core, I believe that every person does what makes sense to themselves in the moment, and that if I were someone else, I would have lived my life exactly as they did. I use this belief to ground myself in a place of unconditional positive regard and empathy for others, so that those around me may explore their healing journey in a place free from judgement.

As a former military member, and person who has existed in various professional contexts, I am intimately aware of the struggles, barriers, and triumphs for those within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. As such, I draw a deeper understanding of the contexts and perspectives through which some people in our community live. Building authentic connections to help people explore their own empowerment and strength is something for which I am deeply grateful.

In a wider point of view, mental health is a topic that I feel passionate about. As a neurodivergent person who has also struggled in this area, I feel a drive to help people through their struggles as much as possible, while also educating the public so as to remove the stigma surrounding these issues. Everyday, we get closer to a more educated and inclusive public, and I work hard to see that this happens.

While not at work, I spend my time trying to experience as much as this life has to offer as I can. I am an avid hiker and camper, and I take joy in finding simple things to draw wonder, awe, and excitement from. Whether it be marveling at the world reflected in the dewdrop on a leaf, or gazing at the sublime from atop a mountain, I have a mission to admire as much of this world as I can.

If I'm not adorned in backpacks and boots, there's no one place you are likely to find me. I could be at home curled up with a book, practicing piano, or making crafts. On the other hand, you might find me running, gaming/board gaming with friends, or swing dancing at a social event. There is so much strength, spirituality, peace, and empowerment to be found in this world, and I make it my mission to feel as much of it as I can and show it to as many of us as I can.

 How I Show Up

  • Empathetically

  • Warmly

  • Curiously

  • Grounded

  • Open

Areas of Passion

  • Feminist Theory

  • Narrative Therapy

  • Dialectic Behavioural Therapy

  • Existential Therapy

  • Person-Centred/Rogerian

  • Addictions and Houselessness

  • Suicide Ideation

I am currently accepting new clients.

I work with individual clients ages 18+.

I offer virtual and in person sessions in Victoria, BC.

My session fee is $40-$60 sliding scale.

Email: danyellekora@burnbrightcounselling.ca

 My Values

  • Gratitude

  • Mindfulness

  • Acceptance

  • Authenticity

  • Compassion

  • Ownership/Responsibility

  • Personal Development

  • Love

My Education & Registrations

  • Master of Counselling (Ongoing)

  • Master of Education Honours bachelor of Arts (Music)

  • Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)

  • Registered Teacher in Ontario

  • Registered Teacher in Manitoba

Additional Learning

  • Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

Book a consultation with Danyelle here