What People Are Saying
“Great pacing, energy & group-awareness. Slides very well organized & bonus points for the aesthetics.
Lots of great information, discussed with nuance & room for curiosity.
Enjoyed the case studies & open group discussion - great for learning & collaboration.”
— July 2023 Participant
“Thank you so much! Important topic for my future work as a therapist! Look forward to exploring the resources provided & learning more about this topic & expanding my knowledge, understanding & potential biases in this area of gender & sexuality work!”
— July 2023 Participant
“Informative without being formal. Lots of information in a short amount of time. Welcoming, inviting, and professional. Case studies were super helpful in applying learnings.”
— July 2023 Participant
Event Information
We will be sending you out a recording of the workshop with some extra resource material within 48 hours of the live group.
The zoom link will be sent to you within 24 hours of your payment being received for the event. Be sure to star the email so you have easy access to it for the day of the workshop!
Absolutely! We will be collecting questions throughout the workshop and Sarah will have an opportunity to answer those at the end of the workshop.
A sliding scale payment between $30-$50 can be sent by e-transfer to billing@burnbightcounselling.ca. You will receive a receipt and your registration confirmation within 24 hours of payment being received.