Let's honour and hold space for whatever brings you here.
My name is Alyx and my pronouns are they/them.
I arrive at this work and my relationship to Lekwungen lands and waterways as a settler of Gaelic Scottish, Irish, and British ancestry and as the descendent of early settlers on Coast Salish territories. I am immensely grateful for the Indigenous caretakers, Elders, and Two-Spirit people who have shaped how I approach my work. I hope that I may honour what has been shared with me and my community through living respectfully on these lands and centring a decolonial lens in my practice.
I have always been drawn to community care work that centres liberation and social justice. This has taken down many paths, including working and grassroots organizing in the realms of anti-violence, outdoor education, LGBTQ2S+ youth programming, teaching and facilitation, research, and supporting parents and caregivers of trans children and youth. I believe that individual and group counselling is a part of co-creating worlds that are affirming, caring, and transformative.
I am committed to creating a space that is welcoming and honours your agency and the fullness of who you are. I have an MSW from the University of Victoria, where I also teach as a sessional instructor, and am always seeking opportunities to learn and deepen my practice. My counselling approach is relational and collaborative, adapting to meet you where you are at. I am grounded in somatic, trauma-informed, and anti-oppressive approaches. I believe nature can nurture support and growth; I am working towards offering sessions outdoors, so please let me know if this is something you are interested in!
As a queer and trans person, I am deeply committed to the well-being of LGBTQ2S+ community and families. I centre gender-affirming approaches in my practice that create room for exploration, uncertainty, ambivalence, and gender joy. I am passionate about working alongside trans, non-binary, and questioning youth as well as their family members, including parents, grandparents, and siblings. I also enjoy working with queer and trans parents and/or queer folks considering growing their family.
When I am not counselling or teaching, you can find me outside adventuring with my family. In the rare moments of calm in the chaos of parenthood, I love listening to podcasts and audiobooks while I garden or make food from scratch. I am always up for a cold water dip!
How I Show Up
Areas of Passion
Gender Exploration and Affirmation
Family Relationships
Queer Families and Family Making
Life Transitions
Boundary Setting
Somatic and Body-Centred Approaches
Nature-Based Counselling
I am currently accepting a waitlist for clients.
I work with individual and group clients ages grade 6 and up.
I offer individual, group, in person and virtual sessions in Victoria, BC.
My session fee is $140 per 50 minute individual session.
Email: alyx@burnbrightcounselling.ca
My Values
Social Justice
My Education & Registrations
Registered Social Worker - BC College of Social Workers
RSW # 17327
Master of Social Work (MSW), University of Victoria (2020)
Additional Learning
Integrative Somatic Trauma Training Certificate (The Embody Lab, September-December 2024)
Introduction to Nature-Based Counselling (Human-Nature Counselling, November 2024)
Trauma-Informed Practice Level 1 (Trauma Informed Practice Institute, September 2020)
Radicalizing the Roots: Deconstructing Whiteness through Gaelic Lenses and Decolonizing Scottish Heritage (Hidden Glen Folk School, 2020)
San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training (Provincial Health Services Authority, Spring 2018)
All My Relations Two-Spirit Indigenous LGBTQ Youth (Indigenous Cultural Perspectives Society, October 2017)